But in some cases, you may need to insert a large quantity of data into a column& not just an integer value or a short, descriptive character string. 但在某些情况下,您可能需要把大量数据插入一列&而不仅是一个整型值或简短的描述性字符串。
For example, assigning an integer value to a string property will cause the integer to be converted to a string. 例如,若为字符串属性指派一个整型值,整型值将被转换为字符串。
You use both the int and long types to hold integer values, the difference being that an int is a32-bit integer value. 您可以使用int和long两种类型来保存整数值,它们的不同点在于int是一种32位的整数值。
You can use the integer value or use AUTO to default it to system setting. 可以使用整数值或使用AUTO将其设置为系统默认设置。
The next and last UDF to cover bitwise operations is bitwise NOT that performs a bitwise logical NOT operation for one given integer value as translated to a binary expression. 下一个也是最后一个涉及逐位运算的UDF是逐位NOT运算,在转换成二进制表达式时,该UDF对给定的整数值执行逐位逻辑NOT运算。
This example creates a single-column temporary table that holds an integer value. 本例创建保存整数值的单列临时表。
Under this definition, two Integer objects are equal only if they contain the same integer value. 在这个定义中,只有在包含相同的整数值的情况下这两个Integer对象是相等的。
This aggregation takes all the sentences in a column and counts the words, returning an integer value containing the number of words for that column. 此聚合获取一列中的所有句子并计算字数,返回一个包含该列的字数的整数值。
The entry_name_syntax is an integer value which specifies the syntax of the entry name. entrynamesyntax是一个整数值,它指定条目名称的语法。
Within the property definition, delegate refers to the value of this instance of the Integer; I'm keeping all my units of measure within my DSL in grams, so it returns the integer value. 在属性定义中,delegate指的是实例Integer的值;我使DSL中所有度量单位都是克,这样它会返回整数值。
The APIs that set watch points return an integer value, which is the watch point number that was just set. 设置观察点的API将返回一个整数型值,即刚刚设置的观察点数字。
The gets command returned an extra value& in this case the integer value 4, which identifies the name/ value pair. gets命令将返回一个额外的值&在本例中是整型值4,用于标识名称/值对。
This would require ensuring that we only use a single instance of the Integer object corresponding to a particular integer value throughout our program. 这要求确保在我们的整个程序中,只能使用对应于特定整数值的Integer对象的一个实例。
LEVEL – The pseudo column LEVEL returns an integer value that represents the recursive step in the hierarchy at which the row was produced. LEVEL–伪列LEVEL返回一个整数值,表示所生成行的分层结构中的递归步骤。
The step attribute, when present, must also have an integer value. 当出现step时,它也必须是整数值。
Semaphores allow synchronization of processes by testing and setting the integer value in a single atomic operation. 信号允许进程通过一个单一的原子操作来测试和设置那个整数的值,以此实现同步。
You use the opposite scm_num2int to convert the Scheme variable ret_val into a C integer value. 可以使用相反的scmnum2int函数将Scheme变量retval转换成C整数值。
This is the process identifier ( PID), which is a 32-bit integer value. 这是进程标识符,它是32位的整数值。
Pour points can be placed as a feature class and must have an integer value that identifies them. 倾点能以特殊形式阵线,但是必须要又整形值来确定。
Integer value representing the type of permissions checked. 表示所检查的权限类型的整型值。
At its core, a semaphore is a single integer value combined with a pair of functions that are typically called P and V. 它的核心原理是,一个信号量是一个单精度的整形数值,此数值结合了一双函数集称为P和V。
Enter an integer value for the initial page file size. 请为初始页面文件大小输入一个整数值。
Implements a graphical display, such as a bar graph, of an integer value. 实现一个图形化显示,如同带有整数值的一个条装图形。
The '{ 0}' attribute must be set to a non-negative integer value {0}属性必须设置为非负整数值
Log file sample filter must be a positive integer value. 日志文件范例筛选程序必须是正整数。
Please enter a valid integer value! 请输入一个有效的整数值!
· maxRows: This optional integer value allows the requesting program to limit the number of results returned. ·maxRows:一个可选的整数值,允许请求程序限制返回结果的数目。
And that quantum number was n, n and we know that n could be equal to any integer value, so, 1,2,3, all the way up to infinity. 这就是,主量子数,which,was,our,principle,quantum,number,我们知道,n可以等于任何整数,1,2,3一直到无穷。
The specified integer value { 0} to be used for comparison is not valid. Specify a numeric value. 指定的用来比较的整数值{0}无效。请指定一个数字值。
UDP port number is a positive integer value. 我们知道UDP端口号被定义为一个正整数。